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Alberta's Public Bank

How ATB Can Help Shape the New Economy

This report looks at the history and advantages of Canada's only public bank, Alberta Treasury Branches—now known legally as ATB Financial (ATB)—and how this unique public bank could play a leading role in helping transition the province to the new economy. 

Canada's Energy Outlook

Current Realities and Implications for a Carbon-constrained Future

This comprehensive report analyses Canada’s energy system and assesses future options to maintain energy security and meet climate commitments as a foundation for planning a viable long-term energy strategy.

Safer by Design

How Alberta Can Improve Workplace Safety

Based on a survey of 2,000 Alberta workers, this report looks at the failure of the occupational health and safety system to keep workers in the province safe, and makes recommendations to reduce the number of occupational fatalities, injuries, and illnesses.

This report for the Corporate Mapping Project looks at the implications of the Paris Agreement on the five largest corporations operating the Alberta oil sands by analyzing the carbon liabilities embedded in their proven and probable reserves.

Blurred Lines

Private Membership Clinics and Public Health Care

This report looks at private membership clinics in Alberta, which charge membership fees for combined physician and complementary practitioner care, and examines the audit process that looked into these clinics to determine if there are sufficient measures to ensure the Canada Health Act is being upheld.

Betting on Bitumen

Alberta's Energy Policies from Lougheed to Klein

This report examines the history of Alberta energy policies as they apply to development of the oil sands. It contrasts the policies of premiers Lougheed and Klein, two of Alberta's most popular premiers and key to oil sand development in the province.

This report challenges the argument that Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project will lead to a higher price being paid for Alberta bitumen by getting oil from Alberta to tidewater.

Extracted Carbon

Re-Examining Canada's Contribution to Climate Change Through Fossil Fuel Exports

This study examines Canada’s contribution to global climate change in light of the Paris Agreement by looking at extracted carbon — the total amount of fossil fuels removed from Canadian soil that ends up in the atmosphere — whether used for domestic purposes, or exported and combusted elsewhere.

Losing Ground

Alberta's Residential Elder Care Crisis

Elder care in Alberta remains in a state of crisis, with the availability of long-term care beds plummeting over the last 15 years, an ongoing shift to "supportive living" beds and for-profit residential care, and chronic understaffing.

This study assesses the impact of projected expansion in the oil and gas sector on Canada’s climate commitments, and reviews existing pipeline and rail capacity for oil exports under Alberta’s 100 Mt oil sands emissions cap.

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