The Alberta government is reviewing its Occupational Health and Safety Act for the first time since it was enacted in 1976. Based on the results of a recent worker survey, here are suggestions for changes that can be made to increase worker and workplace safety.
Alberta's oil industry is held up as one of the province's main source of "good jobs," but how the sector is experienced by those who work in it varies greatly based on gender and race.
To mark National Aboriginal Day, this blog for the Corporate Mapping Project looks at how Indigenous rights and issues interact with the oil industry and the provincial government in Alberta.
'Not a cutting-edge, lead-the-country reform'
An overview of the changes proposed in Bill 17
Bill 17 would introduce the first substantive changes to Alberta's labour legislation in 30 years. Bob Barnetson looks at what the new rules would mean for Alberta workers.
At the halfway mark of the NDP's term, Parkland Institute researcher Ian Hussey compares the current and previous PC governments on the state of health care and health care spending in Alberta.
Gendering the downturn
Is the NDP doing enough for Alberta women?
Parkland Institute researchers Emma Jackson and Ian Hussey look at the Notley government's efforts to address the link between Alberta's resource-revenue-dependent economy and its status as the province with the widest gender pay gap.
Restructuring in Alberta’s oil industry
Internationals pull out, domestic majors double down
Far from being a response to the Alberta NDP's climate policies, the recent moves by Shell and ConocoPhillips to pull back from the oil sands are part of an ongoing restructuring of the oil industry, both here in Canada and at a global level.
Most Albertans don't go around thinking, “Gee, I wish I paid more taxes,” so opposition to the new carbon levy isn't surprising. But when a recent poll commissioned by Parkland Institute dug a little deeper, it found increased support if the funds raised by the levy were tied to enhancing specific public services or other particular outcomes.
Bigstone Cree Nation member Angele Alook shares her letter of concern about the potential impact of proposals from Canadian Natural Resources Limited (CNRL) and Husky Energy on her nation's groundwater supplies.
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