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Alberta’s Coal Phase-Out

A Case Study on Parkland County

Parkland Institute research manager Ian Hussey highlights the community case study on the municipal district of Parkland County from his recent Corporate Mapping Project report, co-written with Emma Jackson, that analyzes Alberta’s coal phase-out to date.

Athabasca University labour relations professor Bob Barnetson analyzes the UCP's Bill 26, which repeals many of the gains Alberta farm workers gained with 2015’s Bill 6, adds new exclusions, and strips agricultural workers of many basic employment rights. 

The UCP government tabled its first budget on October 24—an austerity budget with cuts not seen in a generation. Parkland Institute research managers Alison McIntosh and Ian Hussey outline some key takeaways and impacts from the budget.

A year after the release of Alberta’s Public Bank: How ATB Can Help Shape the New Economy, the report's co-author Bob Ascah takes stock of the progress ATB has made in improving the transparency of its public reports.

As we head into the 2019 Labour Day long weekend, Athabasca University labour relations professor Bob Barnetson looks at Alberta's essential services legislation and the likely impact of changes the UCP has promised.

Despite the stated benefits of the UCP government's new labour legislation, Bill 2 will reduce workers' income, make payroll administration more complex for employers, and impede workers seeking to join a union.

The newly elected UCP government has announced a "blue-ribbon panel" to examine Alberta's finances, but the panel’s mandate has already tied one hand—the revenue hand—behind its back.

Planks in the platforms

Where the major parties stand on 11 key policy issues

Heading into the final weekend of the 2019 Alberta election campaign, Parkland Institute research managers Alison McIntosh and Ian Hussey compare the platforms of the three major parties on 11 key policy areas.

The “path to balance” has become a major platform plank for all parties in this election. Parkland Institute Executive Director Ricardo Acuña looks at the key differences and potential impacts of the path to balance proposals, and assesses their credibility and feasibility.

Athabasca University labour professor Bob Barnetson breaks down exactly what the UCP platform planks on employment, labour, and training would mean for workers in Alberta.

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