Richard Mueller
Richard E. Mueller is a professor in the Department of Economics and academic director of the Lethbridge branch of the Prairie Regional Research Data Centre. Mueller holds a BA(Honours) and an MA from the University of Calgary, and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. He began his career at the University of Maine before joining the University of Lethbridge in 2000. He was seconded to Statistics Canada from 2009 through 2011 and was chair of the Department of Economics between 2014 and 2018. Mueller has a wide range of interests related to education and labour market policy and has taught and given presentations in Europe, Asia, the U.S., Australia, the Middle East and Latin America. His research has been published in various economics, Canadian Studies and higher education journals, several edited volumes and reports, and highlighted by a number of media outlets.
Twitter: @Prof_Mueller
Roadmap or Roadkill, A Critical Look at the Government’s Strategy for Post-Secondary Education in Alberta
research | Oct 05, 2021This report argues "Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs" is ill-advised and the planned changes and significant cuts, if implemented, will have a radical and perhaps even dangerous impact on Alberta’s post-secondary system.
Scrutinizing Alberta's Public Sector: How Its Size and Compensation Compare to Other Jurisdictions
research | Oct 23, 2019This report compares the size and compensation of Alberta's public sector to Canada and the other three large provinces, and concludes that Alberta's public sector does not stand out in any significant way in comparison to these other jurisdictions.
Spending cuts and oil aren't a long-term fiscal plan
media | Oct 11, 2019This op-ed by Bob Ascah, Trevor Harrison, and Richard Mueller appeared in the Edmonton Journal on October 11, 2019.
Alberta needs balanced attack on financial woes
media | Sep 12, 2019This op-ed by Bob Ascah, Trevor Harrison, and Richard Mueller appeared in the Edmonton Journal on September 12, 2019.
Cutting Through the Blue Ribbon: A Balanced Look at Alberta's Finances
research | Sep 09, 2019This report offers a balanced analysis of Alberta's finances—looking at both expenditures and revenues—and concludes that long-term fiscal stability cannot be achieved without addressing the province's long-standing revenue problem.
The Future of Alberta's Labour Market: The Role of Immigration, Migration, and Developing Existing Human Capital
research | Jun 17, 2019This report looks at how Alberta can best meet its workforce needs once the province returns to prosperity and the Alberta labour market needs new sources of labour.
Unemployment in Alberta: What past recessions indicate about the future
blog | Apr 12, 2016The recent recession has resulted in the highest unemployment rate Alberta has experienced for years. Economics Professor Richard Mueller compares the current jobs picture with past recessions, and finds some reason for optimism about the future.