In response to today’s release of the Report and Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta’s Finances, two Parkland Institute research associates who are currently finalizing an alternative report on the state of Alberta’s financial picture had the following initial reactions to the MacKinnon report, and are available for further comment.
Alberta should plan now to ensure future labour needs are met
Immigration, more effective use of current labour pool are key
With Alberta’s economy in recovery and a return to healthy growth projected in 2020, the provincial government should be planning for how to meet future labour market needs to avoid a return to the labour shortages of the early 2000s, argues a new Parkland Institute report.
This op-ed by Parkland Institute director Trevor Harrison appeared in the Lethbridge Herald on May 15, 2019.
This op-ed by Parkland Institute director Trevor Harrison appeared in the Lethbridge Herald on May 1, 2019.
This op-ed by Parkland Institute director Trevor Harrison and University of Alberta School of Business emeritus professor David Cooper appeared in the Edmonton Journal on April 5, 2019.
Perils of a jobless future
Automation is taking away an increasing number of jobs
This op-ed by Parkland Institute director Trevor Harrison appeared in the Lethbridge Herald on March 12, 2019.
This op-ed by Parkland Institute research manager Ian Hussey appeared on the National Observer on February 21, 2019.
A new report released today by the University of Alberta-based Parkland Institute is a first step in beginning to address the dearth of research and knowledge about the lived experiences of Indigenous workers in northern Alberta’s oil sands region.
This op-ed by Corporate Mapping Project researcher David Hughes appeared in the Edmonton Journal on February 20, 2019.
A new report released today by the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute finds that contrary to the enduring political stereotype, New Democratic Party (NDP) governments in Canada—including Alberta’s current government—have not been overly profligate spenders on health care.
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