Harvey Krahn
Harvey Krahn is a professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Alberta. His recent research projects have focused on school-work and life-course transitions, labour market restructuring, sustainable consumption, immigrant experiences in Canada, and mental health trajectories.
Provinces Apart?: Comparing Citizen Views in Alberta and British Columbia
research | Oct 25, 2018This report looks at data from a survey of residents of Alberta and BC taken just as the conflict over the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion was set to erupt, and suggests less polarization of opinion between the two provinces than recent events would suggest.
A Monochrome Political Culture?: Examining the Range of Albertans' Values and Beliefs
research | Apr 09, 2015This survey-based study examines the diversity of Albertans' values and beliefs on four dimensions: economic conservatism, traditional values, libertarianism, and political alienation.
Less Exclusion, More Engagement: Addressing Declining Voter Turnout in Alberta
research | Apr 23, 2014A survey-based study looking at who doesn't vote in Alberta elections and why.
Governing Alberta: Citizens' Views
research | May 09, 2013This report uses public opinion data to examine citizens’ views on governance in Alberta. It addresses respondents' opinions on popular democracy, political alienation, and the workings of government.
Trouble in Paradise?: Citizen's Views on Democracy in Alberta
research | Dec 15, 2003This report examines Albertans’ attitudes regarding the state of democracy in the province. The findings suggest Albertans are very concerned about the health of democracy in the province, but disagree in fundamental ways with political leaders and much of the mainstream media regarding the causes for concern and means of improving democracy.