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Lessons From Ontario’s Days of Action: Relevance for Alberta

January 20, 2020, 7pm - 9pm
The Common (South Room)
9910 109 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 1H5
Google map and directions

Between 1995 and 1998, the Ontario Labour Movement led an extra-parliamentary opposition to conservative then-premier Mike Harris’ so-called Common Sense Revolution. Through the strategy of cross-sector political strikes and large public demonstrations, the “Common Sense Revolution” was slowed and the popularity of the Ontario PC government dwindled. While the Days of Action were unsuccessful in defeating the Harris government, it provides a starting point to examine different strategies to deal with the political climate that Albertans face today.

Join the Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations (CAFA) and Parkland Institute for an informal conversation with Sam Gindin about the successes and limits of the Days of Action, and how the Alberta labour movement and broader civil society can learn from these lessons. This is a free event.

About Sam Gindin

Sam Gindin was the Research Director of the Canadian Auto Workers from 1974–2000. He is co-author (with Leo Panitch) of The Making of Global Capitalism (Verso), and co-author with Leo Panitch and Steve Maher of The Socialist Challenge Today, the expanded and updated American edition is forthcoming with Haymarket in 2020.