Smoke Screen
Results-based Budgeting, Privatization, and Public Sector Cuts in Alberta
Alberta’s implementation of Results-based Budgeting (RBB) is likely to result in bloated bureaucracy and will be used to justify cuts and privatization. It will not yield the promised results of more effective and efficient service delivery.
Shooting the Messenger
The Need for Effective Whistleblower Protection in Alberta
This report examines Alberta's recently-adopted whistleblower protection legislation in light of international research on best practices.
Governing Alberta
Citizens' Views
This report uses public opinion data to examine citizens’ views on governance in Alberta. It addresses respondents' opinions on popular democracy, political alienation, and the workings of government.
Taking the Reins
The Case for Slowing Alberta's Bitumen Production
The public interest is not served by the Alberta government's current promotion and encouragement of unfettered development of the province's bitumen reserves. A high quality of life for all Albertans is best pursued by slowing down development of the tar sands.
Stabilizing Alberta’s Revenues
A Common Sense Approach
This report shows that the only workable solution to Alberta's fiscal woes is an increase in corporate taxation and a return to a progressive income tax regime in the province, and that Albertans would support such a move.
Delivery Matters
Public Infrastructure, Privatized Maintenance, and Government Transparency
Alberta’s contracting out of infrastructure maintenance to private firms has resulted in decreased transparency and accountability, and has put Alberta taxpayer dollars at risk.
A Social Policy Framework for Alberta
Fairness and Justice for All
Despite Alberta’s obvious wealth, inequality and disparity in the province are growing faster than almost anywhere else in the country.
Impaired Judgement
The Economic and Social Consequences of Liquor Privatization in Western Canada
A comparative study of liquor systems in Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
Delivery Matters
Infrastructure Privatization and Accountability
This report examines the rapid expansion of private contracts to manage the operation and maintenance of public infrastructure in Alberta.
Delivery Matters
The High Costs of For-Profit Health Services in Alberta
Using Calgary's Health Resources Centre as a case study, this report explores the delivery of clinical services, specifically total hip and knee replacements, through private, for-profit clinics, and compares their cost and impacts versus public delivery.