On the Job
Why Unions Matter in Alberta
By focusing on the impact of unions in the areas of wages, worker safety, and income inequality, this report documents the contributions of the labour movement to ensuring the well-being of all Albertans.
Less Exclusion, More Engagement
Addressing Declining Voter Turnout in Alberta
A survey-based study looking at who doesn't vote in Alberta elections and why.
The Way Forward
Progressive Income Tax in Alberta
With the 2014 Alberta Budget the Alberta government missed an opportunity to address a significant roadblock to improved health, happiness, prosperity, and overall well-being for the province by failing to address the province's growing income inequality.
Sick of Inequality
The Case for Action by the Government of Alberta on the Social Determinants of Health
New report says Alberta could save billions by addressing growing inequality
From Bad to Worse
Residential Elder Care in Alberta
Drawing on extensive quantitative and qualitative data this report raises serious concerns about residential elder care in Alberta, and calls into question the government’s policies of privatization, offloading, and cutbacks.
Delivery Matters
Cyber Charter Schools and K-12 Education in Alberta
This report looks into the growth of for-profit cyber charter schools in the United States, and identifies it as a disturbing North American trend that Albertans should be wary of.
Wrong Turn
Is a P3 the Best Way to Expand Edmonton's LRT?
This report recommends that the City of Edmonton should not proceed with a P3 approach for the building of the Southeast LRT line, and should opt instead for a traditional design-build arrangement.
Making It Home
Alberta Workplace Injuries and the Union Safety Dividend
This report highlights the true rates of workplace injury in Alberta and demonstrates how unions protect workers both from unsafe workplaces and a government keen to downplay the risks.
Smoke Screen
Results-based Budgeting, Privatization, and Public Sector Cuts in Alberta
Alberta’s implementation of Results-based Budgeting (RBB) is likely to result in bloated bureaucracy and will be used to justify cuts and privatization. It will not yield the promised results of more effective and efficient service delivery.
Shooting the Messenger
The Need for Effective Whistleblower Protection in Alberta
This report examines Alberta's recently-adopted whistleblower protection legislation in light of international research on best practices.