This study looks into how the campaign finance legislation implemented by the UCP government allows wealthy individuals to significantly influence upcoming municipal elections.
This report argues "Alberta 2030: Building Skills for Jobs" is ill-advised and the planned changes and significant cuts, if implemented, will have a radical and perhaps even dangerous impact on Alberta’s post-secondary system.
An Unfair Deal?
The Impact of Provincial Cuts on Alberta Municipalities
It’s important voters are aware of the impacts of the Alberta government's decision to cut funding to municipalities so they can make informed decisions at the ballot box. This report examines the extensive impacts of the province’s policy decisions and budget cuts on municipal infrastructure and service provision.
Tipping the Balance
Bill 32, The Charter and the Americanization of Alberta’s Labour Relations System
A new report shows that Bill 32: Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act (2020) moves Alberta’s labour relations environment closer to the U.S. model to the detriment of workers in the province. Many of the bill’s provisions touch upon rights enjoyed by all working people and all Albertans generally, and the bill has the potential to profoundly impact the direction of Alberta’s economy.
Not Well Spent
A Review of $1-Billion Federal Funding to Clean Up Alberta’s Inactive Oil and Gas Wells
A new report exposes how $1 billion in federal COVID-19 emergency funding transferred to the Alberta government is failing to achieve its intended social and environmental objectives.
More Than "Just a Health-Care Aide"
Immigrant Women Speak About the COVID-19 Crisis in Long-Term Care
A first-of-its-kind report highlights the experiences of 25 immigrant women health-care aides working in long-term care (LTC) during the pandemic and shows how this essential work is socially and economically devalued. To-date, the voices of the vulnerable immigrant, racialized women doing low-wage, on-the-ground caring work in LTC have largely been ignored.
Canada's Energy Sector
Status, Evolution, Revenue, Employment, Production Forecasts, Emissions and Implications for Emissions Reduction
A new report from veteran earth scientist David Hughes and the Corporate Mapping Project looks at the state of Canada’s energy sector and the need for a stark change in direction so Canada can meet emissions targets and plan for a just transition for workers and communities.
Time to Care
Staffing and Workloads in Alberta’s Long-Term Care Facilities
Time to Care: Staffing and Workloads in Alberta’s Long-term Care Facilities by Parkland research manager Rebecca Graff-McRae reveals that many seniors continuing care centres are chronically understaffed and unable to meet the basic care needs of seniors.
Fossilized Finance
How Canada’s Banks Still Enable Oil and Gas Production
Despite Canada’s climate change commitments, the country’s Big Five banks continue to finance and support expansion of fossil fuel industries, says a new Corporate Mapping Project report. The report looks at the banks’ financing of the fossil fuel sector and finds it has not only been maintained, but continues to grow.
Dentistry in Alberta
Time for a Checkup?
This report examines access to dental care in Alberta and across Canada and calls for solutions to improve population health. Alberta is the top private funder of dental care in Canada, and while it's the second highest spender on public dental care, only nine per cent of Albertans receive government-sponsored dental insurance benefits. More than 20 per cent of Albertans lack dental insurance, leading to serious implications for oral health, particularly among lower-income Albertans.