The New Alberta Health Act
Risks and Opportunities Report 2
Part two of Parkland's series on the proposed Alberta Health Act highlights the key challenges facing Alberta's health care system, and recommends concrete action for improving the system.
No Free Lunch
Financing the Priorities of Calgarians
Based on Calgarians' stated infrastructure and social priorities, this report considers the City's options for paying for those priorities justly and sustainably. We highlight infrastructure and social spending benefits, privatization costs, and issues around property taxes.
Rewriting Alberta’s Health Laws
A Trojan Horse for Expanding For-Profit Health Care
Alberta's provincial government has embarked on a new initiative to reform existing health legislation and create a new Alberta Health Act (AHA). There is a danger that the government is using the process to increase the role of private for-profit health care in Alberta.
The New Alberta Health Act
Risks and Opportunities Report 1
An assessment of the risks associated with the Alberta government's current initiative to reform existing health legislation and create a new Alberta Health Act.
Living in Hope
A Response to 2009-2010 Bed Closure Process at the Alberta Hospital
The Stelmach government's closed-door decision to remove 246 beds from Alberta Hospital Edmonton, and redistribute them without a detailed plan, demonstrates that mental illness is not treated in Alberta with the same level of service, care, and dignity afforded other serious illnesses.
ACSW Social Policy Framework 2010
Visioning a More Equitable and Just Alberta
Alberta's growing inequality carries tremendous costs that cut across all of society. This policy agenda comes out of the ongoing work of the Alberta College of Social Workers to identify the sources of that inequality and recommend solutions.
Women’s Equality a Long Way Off in Alberta
Alberta Most Unequal Province in Canada
Alberta ranks last in Canada on a number of measures of women's economic equality. Alberta is also the only province where there is no voice for women, either through a ministry responsible for the status of women, women's directorate, or advisory council on the status of women.
More Than Nickels and Dimes
Albertans Pay Highest Out-of-Pocket Costs for Services
Alberta families watch a large bite of their take-home pay get eaten up by fees for critical public services. That bite will get bigger with the looming budget cuts.
Giving Away the Golden Egg
Alberta’s Tax Giveaway and the Need for Reform
Alberta could move from deficit into surplus simply by abandoning the “flat tax” which has been a massive giveaway, especially to the wealthy. Making the tax system more progressive would also stimulate the economy, creating and protecting jobs for working Albertans.
Private Gain or Public Interest
Reforming Canada's Oil and Gas Industry
This paper is aimed at promoting a discussion of the oil and gas industry in Canada, and specifically the prospect of transforming its mandate to one aimed at serving the public interest.