Media Releases
New report says city should reconsider P3 approach for Southeast LRT
City’s business case does not hold up to economic and public interest analysis
EDMONTON – A new report released this morning by the Parkland Institute recommends that the City of Edmonton should not proceed with a P3 approach for the building of the Southeast LRT Line, and should opt instead for either a design-bid-build or a design-build arrangement.
Safety dividend means unionized workers fare better on workplace injuries
Alberta government continues to understate the level of workplace injuries
A new fact sheet released today by the Parkland Institute highlights the true rates of workplace injury in Alberta, and demonstrates how unions protect workers both from unsafe workplaces and a government keen to downplay the risks.
Results-based Budgeting not likely to improve service delivery
More likely to result in bloated bureaucracy and to be used to justify cuts and privatization
A new report by the Parkland Institute finds that Alberta’s implementation of Results-based Budgeting (RBB) is driven by ideology, and will not yield the promised results of more effective and efficient service delivery.
A new report released this morning by the Parkland Institute finds that Alberta’s new whistleblower legislation will be ineffective in terms of protecting those who blow the whistle on incompetence or corruption, and will not ensure that allegations are properly investigated.
New report looks at Albertans’ views on governance
Strong support for election spending limits and the role of protest groups
A new report released this morning by the Parkland Institute finds that Albertans strongly favour setting election spending limits in Alberta and recognize the important role that protest groups play in a democracy.
Taking the Reins
New report says public interest best served by slowing down bitumen production
A new report released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute says another out-of-control bitumen boom would not be in the best interests of Albertans, and that the Alberta government should take action today to bring the pace of development under control.
A majority of Albertans support a return to progressive taxation
New report shows that fair and progressive taxes could solve Alberta’s fiscal woes
A new report released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute says that the solution to Alberta’s current fiscal woes, and to growing inequality in the province, lies in an increase in corporate taxes and a return to a progressive tax system—a move that a majority of Albertans would support.
A new report released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute says that Alberta’s contracting out of infrastructure maintenance to private firms has resulted in decreased transparency and accountability, and has put Alberta taxpayer dollars at risk.
Alberta is Canada’s most unequal province
And Calgary is the most unequal city
Analysis by the Parkland Institute and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives of new data on Canada’s richest 1% shows that Alberta has become the country’s most unequal province and Calgary its most unequal city. The new data shows that incomes (adjusted for inflation) for the top 1% of Albertan doubled between 1982 and 2010, posting a shocking increase of $320,000. By comparison, the bottom 90% of Albertans saw their incomes increase by a total of only $3,900 over the same time period.
Alberta has the richest rich and the poorest poor in Canada
New report highlights dangers and causes of rapidly growing disparity in the province
A new report released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute and the Alberta College of Social Workers says that despite Alberta’s obvious wealth, inequality and disparity in the province are growing faster than almost anywhere else in the country.