Media Releases
On the eve of the United Conservative Party’s first provincial budget, a new report by the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute challenges the contention that the size and compensation levels of Alberta’s public sector are higher than in other provinces and should be addressed through significant reductions.
Political threats just one challenge to abortion rights in Alberta
Report finds barriers makes access 'almost theoretical' for many
With less than a week remaining in a federal election campaign that has once again seen abortion rights emerge as a key issue of debate, a new report released today by the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute looks at the range of contemporary challenges to abortion access and reproductive health services in Canada, with a specific focus on southern Alberta.
Tonight, a panel of experts from across Canada will explore the question of whether Premier Kenney’s announcements of a $30-million “war room,” a $2.5-million public inquiry into environmental advocacy activity, and threats of possible defamation suits against critics of the Alberta oil and gas industry are legitimate government initiatives or actions that chill free expression and undermine democracy.
An alternative—and more balanced—analysis of Alberta’s finances released today by the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute concludes that long-term fiscal stability in the province cannot be achieved without addressing Alberta’s long-standing revenue problem.
In response to today’s release of the Report and Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Alberta’s Finances, two Parkland Institute research associates who are currently finalizing an alternative report on the state of Alberta’s financial picture had the following initial reactions to the MacKinnon report, and are available for further comment.
Alberta should plan now to ensure future labour needs are met
Immigration, more effective use of current labour pool are key
With Alberta’s economy in recovery and a return to healthy growth projected in 2020, the provincial government should be planning for how to meet future labour market needs to avoid a return to the labour shortages of the early 2000s, argues a new Parkland Institute report.
A new report released today by the University of Alberta-based Parkland Institute is a first step in beginning to address the dearth of research and knowledge about the lived experiences of Indigenous workers in northern Alberta’s oil sands region.
A new report released today by the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute finds that contrary to the enduring political stereotype, New Democratic Party (NDP) governments in Canada—including Alberta’s current government—have not been overly profligate spenders on health care.
Two dozen speakers will look forward to the issues and political dynamics that will influence Albertans in the spring provincial election at the 22nd annual Parkland Institute conference, Alberta 2019: Forces of Change, taking place this weekend on the University of Alberta campus.
As debate continues to rage over pipelines and the current price differential for Alberta’s oil, a new Corporate Mapping Project report analyzes how the five companies that dominate the oil sands sector have fared during the recent boom-bust commodity cycle.