Entries tagged with
public services
A new fact sheet released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute shows that Albertans are paying more than other Canadians for critical public services.
More Than Nickels and Dimes
Albertans Pay Highest Out-of-Pocket Costs for Services
Alberta families watch a large bite of their take-home pay get eaten up by fees for critical public services. That bite will get bigger with the looming budget cuts.
Breaking the Myth
Alberta Spending is Mediocre at Best
Now that that boom has collapsed, comments to the effect that the Alberta government has been a big spender, is overspending and has lots of fat to cut from its programs are common. This report illustrates that the Alberta government is not the highest per capita spender in Canada.
Crisis? What Crisis?
Public Health Care and Affordability in Alberta
The government of Alberta has consistently used inaccurate or incomplete numbers to undermine public confidence in the sustainability of public healthcare. This report exposes the false economies used to create a sense of crisis. It illustrates the clear trends in health care spending.
A Fair Price
Taxation, Services and Programs in the Northwest Territories
The Government of the Northwest Territories has commenced a public consultation on raising its revenues to address a projected budget shortfall. This report discusses the government's two consultation documents: the Revenue Options Paper and the Revenue Options Summary. It then examines the tax proposals discussed in those documents.
Sustainable Healthcare for Seniors
Keeping it Public
The Alberta government has consistently used the threat of the aging baby boomers to undermine confidence in the sustainability of public healthcare. This report evaluates the real situation for seniors healthcare in the province. This report sheds light on sustainability, and considers what will be needed in the next 20 years to maintain seniors' optimum health and wellbeing.
Public Service Cuts In the Northwest Territories
Economic Imperative or Political Choice?
This report provides an analysis of the North West Territories' financial picture and underlying economy to determine whether the government's cuts are necessary.
Public Remedies, Not Private Payments
Quality Health Care in Alberta
Why does the government keep telling us our health care system is unsustainable and more private health care will save it from collapse? In this report we identify the underlying reasons to be ideological, not fiscal.
A Time to Reap
Reinvesting in Alberta's Public Services
The Alberta government often appears stuck in yesterday’s rhetoric of a debt crisis, too willing to engage in pitched battles with its civil servants, teachers, and nurses; disregarding of the needs of municipalities; and unresponsive to the plight of the poor and homelessness.
Reclaiming Medicare
A Response to the Mazankowski Misdiagnosis
In the fall of 2001, the Alberta government was about to release its long-awaited Mazankowski Report on health care in Alberta.