Entries tagged with
public services
A week before the Prentice government introduces its 2015/16 provincial budget, a new fact sheet released today by the Parkland Institute challenges the often-repeated claim that Alberta’s current fiscal woes are due to overspending by the provincial government.
Looking in the Mirror
Provincial Comparisons of Public Spending
Does Alberta really have a spending problem? Is public sector spending in the province really outpacing the level of public expenditures in other provinces? This report brings facts to the Alberta budget discussion.
Klein’s policies got us into this mess
Budget cuts of 1990s did lasting damage
It’s curious how the proponents of the “cut first and ask questions later” approach to provincial budgeting continue trying to spread the myth Ralph Klein’s cuts in the 1990s were necessary, and that somehow Alberta and Albertans are better off because of them. It’s as if they believe that singing the same refrains over and over will make them true. But the reality is that these claims are as false today as they were back in 1993.
Wrong Turn
Is a P3 the Best Way to Expand Edmonton's LRT?
This report recommends that the City of Edmonton should not proceed with a P3 approach for the building of the Southeast LRT line, and should opt instead for a traditional design-build arrangement.
Results-based Budgeting not likely to improve service delivery
More likely to result in bloated bureaucracy and to be used to justify cuts and privatization
A new report by the Parkland Institute finds that Alberta’s implementation of Results-based Budgeting (RBB) is driven by ideology, and will not yield the promised results of more effective and efficient service delivery.
Smoke Screen
Results-based Budgeting, Privatization, and Public Sector Cuts in Alberta
Alberta’s implementation of Results-based Budgeting (RBB) is likely to result in bloated bureaucracy and will be used to justify cuts and privatization. It will not yield the promised results of more effective and efficient service delivery.
A majority of Albertans support a return to progressive taxation
New report shows that fair and progressive taxes could solve Alberta’s fiscal woes
A new report released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute says that the solution to Alberta’s current fiscal woes, and to growing inequality in the province, lies in an increase in corporate taxes and a return to a progressive tax system—a move that a majority of Albertans would support.
Stabilizing Alberta’s Revenues
A Common Sense Approach
This report shows that the only workable solution to Alberta's fiscal woes is an increase in corporate taxation and a return to a progressive income tax regime in the province, and that Albertans would support such a move.
A Social Policy Framework for Alberta
Fairness and Justice for All
Despite Alberta’s obvious wealth, inequality and disparity in the province are growing faster than almost anywhere else in the country.
Alberta has the richest rich and the poorest poor in Canada
New report highlights dangers and causes of rapidly growing disparity in the province
A new report released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute and the Alberta College of Social Workers says that despite Alberta’s obvious wealth, inequality and disparity in the province are growing faster than almost anywhere else in the country.