Entries tagged with
A ‘Modernized Municipal Government Act’
Forward-looking or rooted firmly in the past?
With the provincial government in the midst of a 20-city summer tour to consult on its attempt through Bill 21 to "modernize" the Municipal Government Act, Rebecca Graff-McRae looks at what's likely to change if the bill is ultimately passed.
Little houses on the prairie
One solution to the refugee housing crunch
The lack of affordable and appropriate housing is one of the primary barriers to Alberta successfully welcoming an expected 2,500 to 3,000 refugees in the coming months and years. In this guest blog, Ashley Salvador offers one possible approach to address the need.
Wrong Turn
Is a P3 the Best Way to Expand Edmonton's LRT?
This report recommends that the City of Edmonton should not proceed with a P3 approach for the building of the Southeast LRT line, and should opt instead for a traditional design-build arrangement.
New report says city should reconsider P3 approach for Southeast LRT
City’s business case does not hold up to economic and public interest analysis
EDMONTON – A new report released this morning by the Parkland Institute recommends that the City of Edmonton should not proceed with a P3 approach for the building of the Southeast LRT Line, and should opt instead for either a design-bid-build or a design-build arrangement.
No Free Lunch
Financing the Priorities of Calgarians
Based on Calgarians' stated infrastructure and social priorities, this report considers the City's options for paying for those priorities justly and sustainably. We highlight infrastructure and social spending benefits, privatization costs, and issues around property taxes.
Calgarians ready for a mature conversation about taxes
Parkland Institute releases new report
CALGARY – A new report released this morning by the University of Alberta’s Parkland Institute says that Calgarians’ vision of their city requires excellent public services and infrastructure, and that City Council will need to find fair and sustainable revenue streams to pay for them.