Entries tagged with
municipal government
Shifting Gears
Exploring Edmonton’s Financial And Political Pressures And Ways Forward
With spending growing faster than revenues, the City of Edmonton is feeling the pinch of an increasingly challenging financial situation. This report examines how cuts to provincial funding, rising service demands, and underutilized revenue streams have left the city struggling to meet the needs of its residents. It highlights concerns about homelessness, mental illness, addiction, and the rising cost of living, calling for a reevaluation of spending priorities to address root causes rather than relying on reactive services.
An Unfair Deal?
The Impact of Provincial Cuts on Alberta Municipalities
It’s important voters are aware of the impacts of the Alberta government's decision to cut funding to municipalities so they can make informed decisions at the ballot box. This report examines the extensive impacts of the province’s policy decisions and budget cuts on municipal infrastructure and service provision.