Entries tagged with
income inequality
This report looks at whether introducing a "basic income" is an effective policy response to address the changing nature of work, including increasing employment precarity, labour market restructuring, and job loss due to automation.
Kaity Doiron, a student in the public health program at the University of Lethbridge who recently completed a practicum placement with Parkland Institute, summarizes the findings of her research into the Alberta public policy implications of the internationally accepted principles of public health and the Social Determinants of Health.
A rising tide doesn’t lift all boats
What Census 2016 reveals about income inequality in Alberta
While the data on income from the 2016 census released last week has been presented as a good-news story, a closer look reveals a persistent and troubling degree of income inequality in Alberta.
Gendering the downturn
Is the NDP doing enough for Alberta women?
Parkland Institute researchers Emma Jackson and Ian Hussey look at the Notley government's efforts to address the link between Alberta's resource-revenue-dependent economy and its status as the province with the widest gender pay gap.
Action needed to close Alberta’s gender income gap
Pay equity legislation a key part of essential policy changes
On the eve of International Women’s Day, a new report released today by Parkland Institute finds that Alberta continues to have the largest gender income gap in Canada, and one of the largest gaps of any jurisdiction in the world.
Equal Worth
Designing Effective Pay Equity Laws For Alberta
Alberta has the largest gender income gap in Canada. With a gender income gap of 41%, the average man in Alberta will have earned as much by Canada Day as it will take a woman the entire year to earn. Effective pay equity legislation that ensures women receive equal pay for work of equal worth is a key element in a package of needed policy changes to start closing the gap.
Alberta’s Income Inequality the Worst in Canada
Return to progressive tax would help reverse troubling trend
The gap between the rich and the poor in Alberta is the widest in the country, and the disparity between those Albertans at the top of the income ladder and those at the bottom has been growing faster than in any other province, according to the findings of a new fact sheet released today by the Parkland Institute.
From Gap to Chasm
Alberta’s Increasing Income Inequality
The gap between the rich and the poor in Alberta is the widest in the country, and the disparity between those Albertans at the top of the income ladder and those at the bottom has been growing faster than in any other province.
The Alberta Disadvantage
Gender, Taxation, and Income Inequality
This report analyzes gender inequality in Alberta, and offers a series of recommendations to reverse the decades-long slide in gender equality in Alberta, restore stability to provincial revenues, and create a more equitable provincial taxation system.
Women in Alberta have been disproportionately impacted by the 2001 shift to a single rate tax regime in the province, and now face higher income gaps, unpaid work gaps, and after-tax income gaps than women in the rest of Canada, according to the findings of a comprehensive new report released today by the Parkland Institute.