Entries tagged with
health care
Reclaiming Medicare
A Response to the Mazankowski Misdiagnosis
In the fall of 2001, the Alberta government was about to release its long-awaited Mazankowski Report on health care in Alberta.
Public Bodies, Private Parts
Surgical Contracts and Conflict of Interest at the Calgary Regional Health Authority
In September 2000 The Health Care Protection Act (formerly Bill 11) was proclaimed and established as law in Alberta. Since the Act permits private, for-profit surgical facilities to keep patients for more than a 12-hour stay, it is only a matter of time before for-profit hospitals are approved and operating in Alberta. The first ones are likely to appear in Calgary.
Clear Answers
The Economics and Politics of For-Profit Medicine
The Government of Alberta under Ralph Klein has asked a reasonable question: can health care be better provided partly as a private, for-profit product rather than as a not-for-profit public service? But -- despite the claims of advocates for market-driven medicine -- private hospitals are neither cheaper nor more efficient than public ones. Clear Answers summarises the huge body of evidence showing that they are more expensive and less efficient.