Entries tagged with
health care
Planks in the platforms
Comparing 11 key policy issues
As we enter the final weekend of Alberta election 2015, Parkland Institute compares the platforms of the four major parties on 11 key policy areas.
Sick of Inequality
The Case for Action by the Government of Alberta on the Social Determinants of Health
New report says Alberta could save billions by addressing growing inequality
From Bad to Worse
Residential Elder Care in Alberta
Drawing on extensive quantitative and qualitative data this report raises serious concerns about residential elder care in Alberta, and calls into question the government’s policies of privatization, offloading, and cutbacks.
The Alberta election has just hit the halfway point, and health care has again become a lightning rod. The rival parties are facing off on reform, promising changes running the gamut from more privatization to more public care.
Delivery Matters
The High Costs of For-Profit Health Services in Alberta
Using Calgary's Health Resources Centre as a case study, this report explores the delivery of clinical services, specifically total hip and knee replacements, through private, for-profit clinics, and compares their cost and impacts versus public delivery.
New report highlights dangers of private health care
HRC example shows private costs more and puts tax dollars at risk
A new report from the Parkland Institute says that supporting private health facilities with public health dollars costs more, damages the public system, and puts tax dollars and patient care at risk.
In Residential Long-term Care, Delivery Matters
Research shows direct link between for-profit ownership and lower quality
A new fact sheet released this morning by the U of A’s Parkland Institute points to a direct link between the ownership of residential long-term care facilities and the quality of service delivery.
Delivery Matters
The Impacts of For-profit Ownership in Long-term Care
Analysis comparing the US and Canadian research on the ownership and quality of services in these facilities concludes that for-profit facilities are less likely to provide quality care than nonprofit or public facilities.
The New Alberta Health Act
Risks and Opportunities Report 2
Part two of Parkland's series on the proposed Alberta Health Act highlights the key challenges facing Alberta's health care system, and recommends concrete action for improving the system.
Health Care System Needs Action, Not a New Health Act
New Parkland Institute report identifies health care challenges and proposes real solutions
A new report released this evening by the U of A’s Parkland Institute says that addressing the key challenges being faced by Alberta’s health care system will require concrete action, not a new health act or charter.