Entries tagged with
Public Service Cuts In the Northwest Territories
Economic Imperative or Political Choice?
This report provides an analysis of the North West Territories' financial picture and underlying economy to determine whether the government's cuts are necessary.
Saving for the Future
Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Discipline in Alberta
What will our economy look like when our non-renewable resources have dwindled? In the current boom the Alberta government has an opportunity to act, but this opportunity will disappear as available resource wealth declines. Now is the time for a responsible approach to saving.
Freezing in the Dark
Why Canada Needs Strategic Petroleum Reserves
Canada is currently the most vulnerable country in the industrial world to short-term oil supply crises, and we need to establish strategic petroleum reserves to remedy the problem. This is the key finding of a report released today by Alberta’s Parkland Institute in conjunction with the Polaris Institute.
The Spoils of the Boom
Incomes, Profits and Poverty in Alberta
Alberta has been experiencing a boom, and yet many Albertans feel they are being passed by. Though unemployment levels are at all-time lows, inflation rates are also running at national highs, leaving many Albertans literally out in the cold.
Taming the Tempest
An Alternate Development Strategy for Alberta
With over $169 billion in large scale construction projects on the horizon, Alberta’s already overheated economy is only going to get worse.
Fiscal Surplus, Democratic Deficit
Budgeting and Government Finance in Alberta
The Alberta government's formal budgeting process leaves a great deal to be desired in terms of accountability and democracy.
Back to Hewers of Wood and Drawers of Water
Energy, Trade, and the Demise of Petrochemicals in Alberta
Canadians are questioning the logic of having traded away our energy sovereignty with NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Alberta’s ‘Good Enough’ Approach to Fiscal Management
Parkland Intitute's Report on Alberta's Finances 2003
"Alberta's 'good enough' approach to fiscal management" is the Parkland Institute's annual pre-budget report on the state of Alberta's finances. The report examines in detail the province's current revenue structure and recent expenditures with special concentration given to the areas of health, education, and social services.
Advantage for Whom?
Declining Family Incomes in a Growing Alberta Economy
This report is an analysis of Albertans’ family incomes during the 1990s. It compares the incomes of Alberta families at all income levels, examines the income gap between the richest and poorest of families, and discusses the escalating stress that Alberta families face as they attempt to maintain their standard of living in an increasingly competitive market place.