David Hughes
David Hughes is an earth scientist who has studied the energy resources of Canada and the US for more than four decades, including 32 years with the Geological Survey of Canada as a scientist and research manager, where he headed unconventional gas and coal research. His research focus has been on unconventional fuels, primarily shale gas and tight oil, but also coal, coalbed methane and other unconventional sources, including oil sands, coal gasification and gas hydrates. Hughes is currently President of Global Sustainability Research Inc, a consultancy dedicated to research on energy and sustainability issues.
Canada's Energy Sector: Status, Evolution, Revenue, Employment, Production Forecasts, Emissions and Implications for Emissions Reduction
research | Jun 01, 2021A new report from veteran earth scientist David Hughes and the Corporate Mapping Project looks at the state of Canada’s energy sector and the need for a stark change in direction so Canada can meet emissions targets and plan for a just transition for workers and communities.
Alberta’s Energy War Room Reveals its True Colours as a Propaganda Mill
blog | Nov 09, 2020Last week a report was published by the Parkland Institute and Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). The Canadian Energy Centre (aka Premier Jason Kenney’s “War Room”) took exception to the report and wrote a hit piece designed to discredit it. The article is a classic propaganda exercise in erecting straw men and spreading disinformation.
Reassessment of Need for the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project
research | Oct 29, 2020The assumptions underlying the federal government’s $12.6 billion commitment to the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project (TMX) no longer stand up in 2020, according to a new report from veteran earth scientist David Hughes. The report concludes that TMX, if completed, would be surplus to Canadian requirements and would not result in the hoped-for price premium for Canadian producers.
Canada's Energy Future Presentation
events | Mar 13, 2019Fact-checking Alberta's pipeline ads
media | Feb 20, 2019This op-ed by Corporate Mapping Project researcher David Hughes appeared in the Edmonton Journal on February 20, 2019.
False advertising by the Alberta government and oil lobby
blog | Feb 20, 2019David Hughes debunks three of the claims from the Alberta government's $23-million "Keep Canada Working" Trans Mountain pipeline expansion campaign.
Selling off oil fast as we can isn't an energy plan
media | Oct 23, 2018This op-ed by Corporate Mapping Project researcher David Hughes appeared in the Edmonton Journal on October 23, 2018.
Politics versus the future: Canada’s Orwellian energy standoff
media | May 17, 2018This op-ed by David Hughes, author of the Parkland Institute/Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives report Canada’s Energy Outlook: Current Realities and Implications for a Carbon-constrained Future appeared in the May 14, 2018 Vancouver Sun.
Canada's Energy Outlook: Current Realities and Implications for a Carbon-constrained Future
research | May 01, 2018This comprehensive report analyses Canada’s energy system and assesses future options to maintain energy security and meet climate commitments as a foundation for planning a viable long-term energy strategy.
Will the Trans Mountain Pipeline and Tidewater Access Boost Prices and Save Canada’s Oil Industry?
research | May 31, 2017This report challenges the argument that Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project will lead to a higher price being paid for Alberta bitumen by getting oil from Alberta to tidewater.